To ensure that the Institute can continue its mission after a disruption, MIT Emergency Management collaborates with departments, labs, and centers (DLCs) to develop continuity plans. The goal of a continuity plan is to ensure that essential functions will continue after a disruption.
What is Continuity?
Continuity is the effort to ensure the continuation of Essential Functions after a disruption.
What are Essential Functions?
Essential Functions are vital activities or services that must continue at all times, or be restored within a short time frame, after a disruption.
Are There Resources to Assist Me?
To assist both individuals and DLCs, we have created two separate worksheets. The worksheet for DLCs is meant to assist leaders in creating a robust plan for their entire unit, while the worksheet for individuals is designed to capture the minimum information needed to ensure their essential functions will continue.
For assistance with continuity planning, or any other emergency preparedness topic, please email us at
COVID-19 Continuity Letter to DLC Managers
Continuity Letter to DLC Managers
Continuity Worksheet for Offices and Departments
MIT Mission Continuity Worksheet